Time 4 Pilates
Joseph Pilates
Pilates is complete coordination of body, mind and spirit.
Christine (Chris) Brook took up Pilates on the recommendation of her physiotherapist, to counter some painful back problems. The exercises proved extremely useful so, after giving up her career as an IT professional, she underwent extensive training with the internationally renowned Body Control Pilates Association. Here she qualified as a Pilates instructor in 2005. As a member of Body Control Chris runs classes in and around Sonning Common, in South Oxfordshire, three days a week. Most classes are open to anyone to come along and enjoy, though she does also run popular ante-natal, and post-natal classes for ladies.
If you’re considering taking up Pilates, and want to learn more about the benefits of Pilates, which classes Chris runs, and answers to practical questions, please visit the New Starters page.
To book a session please go to the Timetable of classes page – which also explains the cost and how to pay, or Contact Chris direct.